The Limitless Love of God

The Place of Grace (Day 2) // Prayer365

“The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.” - Jeremiah‬ ‭31:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” - ‭John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Yesterday we started out our week of devotion with two undeniable truths: God is limitless and we are not. This is both a liberating truth and the key to our maturity and growth as believers. The faster we understand this, the better off we will be, the further we can go and the freer we become. Over the next three days I want us to focus on three areas of God’s limitlessness: love, power and wisdom. As we attempt to better understand each, I believe we'll be able to realize the multidimensionality of grace.

Today I want to talk with you about the Limitless Love of God. If God is limitless in nature, this means that everything about Him is limitless and this includes His love. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God breathed these passionate, poetic words: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.” I want you to understand that there is no limit to the love of God. His love is everlasting. His love is limitless. And with His limitless love, He decided to love me. Not only does He love me but He loves you too.

As humans it’s difficult to comprehend this because we often use the love of man as a reference point for the love of God. The truth for so many of us is we can love but only to a certain point. Because there’s always a point where loving people becomes a hard thing to do. But I’m so grateful that God is not like man. Where my love has limits and often comes with many conditions, God’s love has no limits! Man will love you today and crucify you tomorrow (just ask Jesus), but God’s love is without limits because He loves without conditions. There is no prerequisite to receive the love of God. His love never stops and it never quits.

Let’s take a closer look at God’s word choice in Jeremiah (31:3), He says “I have loved you…” (emphasis mine). “I have” denotes past tense. What this means is that no matter what you’re going through, no matter what you did or may do, God is letting us know through these words that He loved us before this and He’s going to love us after this. His love, it never stops,  it never quits and because it’s everlasting, there’s nothing I can do that can stop God from loving me and the same applies to you.

Nothing is off limits for God when it comes to His love. God has a whatever it takes mentality. He is willing to do whatever it takes for the sake of love... Even if it means giving His only Son as a ransom for many. I want you to understand that God doesn't wait for our mindset to change but while we were yet sinners, Christ died for each of us. His love is not based on the energy we give, nor is it based on our level of commitment. And I’m so glad it’s not because I wouldn’t have had a chance. God's love is not contingent on me saying the right words or having the perfect language. His love was present before I opened my mouth. His love was there before I breathed my first breath. His love was there before my heart made its first beat. Yes, God’s love is everlasting; His love is without limits. Today I want you to understand, or at least see a glimpse, of the limitless love of God. His love is both essential and plentiful in the place of grace.

Prayer Focus: That you would flow in the limitless love of God.

I’m praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks

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