Surrender to the Rhythm
The Rhythms of Grace (Day 3) // Prayer365

Today, I want to tell you about Sammy. Sammy is an incredible blues guitar player, one of the best in town. He was recently invited to play for a local reggae band. He agreed and the music director (MD) sent him the music for their upcoming show so that he’d be ready for rehearsal. So Sammy spends time preparing: he studies the chord charts, listened to the recordings and practiced along with the music.
He then joins the rest of the band and as they start playing, the bass player and drummer are locked into a groove. All of a sudden Sammy comes in playing half the tempo (half the speed) of the rest of the band. On top of this, Sammy is playing a blues rhythm and riffs over the reggae beat. All of a sudden the MD stops the song and ask’s Sammy if he’s ok? He says “Yes, I’m great!" The MD says, “Did you listen to the music I sent you?” “I did but I figured I’d change it up a little…” The MD was completely taken aback by Sammy’s response, he replied, “Sammy, we appreciate your intentions to help, but the best way you can help is if you play in the same rhythm as the band.” Sammy was a little bothered and says, “Well blues is what I know best, it’s what I’m used to.” The MD takes a deep breath and says “Well unless you can blend with what we’re doing, it would be best that you don’t join us for the show.”
Did you see what happened here? Sammy, a blues player, accepted a call to play for a reggae band. And when he joined the rehearsal, instead of playing along with the band, Sammy tried to impose his own rhythm, his preference onto the band. The thing is, it’s not his job to impose his rhythm (will) onto the band, rather it’s his job to complete or enhance what was already there. What Sammy needed to do was surrender to the rhythm and not try to control it.
While some of us would look at Sammy like he’s crazy, this is what most Christians look like: invited to join the rhythm of God, yet relentlessly attempting to impose our own will and desire onto the rhythm that God has already established. When confronted by Him, we say “This is what I’m used to... I’ve always done it this way.” The problem is that when I force my will into the plans of God, my actions do not blend into His rhythm, the only thing I do is create noise. Instead of trying to overtake the rhythm God has set, we must chose to surrender to Him. We can do this by the practice of prayer and the sacrifice of worship.
One of the many manifestations of fear is the desire to control. Our attempts to control the rhythm of God is a fearful response to the unknowns of life and the possibility of failure. Philippians 4:6 (MSG) tells us “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
In this season, have you surrendered to the rhythm of God or are you making noise? Don’t miss the rhythm of God in the pursuit of self interest and comfort. Don’t make noise, create harmony. Work the practice of prayer and the sacrifice of worship into your everyday life. It will keep your heart in a surrendered state before God, allowing you to embrace the rhythm of this season and so that you will blend into The Rhythms of Grace.
I'm praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks
He then joins the rest of the band and as they start playing, the bass player and drummer are locked into a groove. All of a sudden Sammy comes in playing half the tempo (half the speed) of the rest of the band. On top of this, Sammy is playing a blues rhythm and riffs over the reggae beat. All of a sudden the MD stops the song and ask’s Sammy if he’s ok? He says “Yes, I’m great!" The MD says, “Did you listen to the music I sent you?” “I did but I figured I’d change it up a little…” The MD was completely taken aback by Sammy’s response, he replied, “Sammy, we appreciate your intentions to help, but the best way you can help is if you play in the same rhythm as the band.” Sammy was a little bothered and says, “Well blues is what I know best, it’s what I’m used to.” The MD takes a deep breath and says “Well unless you can blend with what we’re doing, it would be best that you don’t join us for the show.”
Did you see what happened here? Sammy, a blues player, accepted a call to play for a reggae band. And when he joined the rehearsal, instead of playing along with the band, Sammy tried to impose his own rhythm, his preference onto the band. The thing is, it’s not his job to impose his rhythm (will) onto the band, rather it’s his job to complete or enhance what was already there. What Sammy needed to do was surrender to the rhythm and not try to control it.
While some of us would look at Sammy like he’s crazy, this is what most Christians look like: invited to join the rhythm of God, yet relentlessly attempting to impose our own will and desire onto the rhythm that God has already established. When confronted by Him, we say “This is what I’m used to... I’ve always done it this way.” The problem is that when I force my will into the plans of God, my actions do not blend into His rhythm, the only thing I do is create noise. Instead of trying to overtake the rhythm God has set, we must chose to surrender to Him. We can do this by the practice of prayer and the sacrifice of worship.
One of the many manifestations of fear is the desire to control. Our attempts to control the rhythm of God is a fearful response to the unknowns of life and the possibility of failure. Philippians 4:6 (MSG) tells us “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
In this season, have you surrendered to the rhythm of God or are you making noise? Don’t miss the rhythm of God in the pursuit of self interest and comfort. Don’t make noise, create harmony. Work the practice of prayer and the sacrifice of worship into your everyday life. It will keep your heart in a surrendered state before God, allowing you to embrace the rhythm of this season and so that you will blend into The Rhythms of Grace.
I'm praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks
Listen to this morning's prayer call here:
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