God's Investment
Prayer 365 // Assigned to Thryve (Day 2)
More from this week:
Today's Scripture:
“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”” - Genesis 1:26-28 NIV
Today's Devotional:
God has entrusted to you something He considers to be of great value, something worth more than money, more than failure, worth more than your mistakes and that’s His image. That’s what He thinks of you. That’s how fond He is of you. This is how confident He is in who you are, that when He made you, He gave you His image. He marked you with His brand. He gave you His identity.
When a company makes a product, they don’t release it to the world unless it’s ready and tested. And when it’s passed inspection, they place their brand or name on that device and that’s a mark of both approval and ownership. A company like Apple would never release something that they don’t believe is ready to be released.
Understanding this, I turn my attention back to you. You are here. And because you’re here that means you were approved by God as an instrument of His purpose. How do we know you’ve been approved? Because you have His image. Out of all creation, there’s nothing else that He gave His identity to except mankind and that includes you. This makes you special — to know that God’s has trusted you withdraw getting so precious as His image.
Knowing that God has given you His image (His approval), my question is this: what are you going to do with it? We understand you’ve been assigned to Thryve. The word assign means to appoint and appoint means to fix, your assignment has been fixed, your Purpose has been fixed. I know that you may reflect back and see how you’ve mismanaged your assignment – perhaps you’ve been prodigal or wasteful. That may be true about your past, but it’s not true about your identity nor does it affect your assignment. Your identity has been fixed and your assignment has been fixed. And just as the father was waiting for the prodigal son, God has been waiting on you to let you know that you are still His son, you are still his daughter. He has not rejected you. You have His image and He cannot deny himself.
In likely every major company, when they make a product that doesn’t work out, they place it inside of a room or warehouse of concepts they’ve made that don’t work. Those things will never see the light of day, they’ll never be released to the public. While you have made mistakes, understand that God has not put you in a storehouse, He has not rejected you nor has He put you in a place where you will never see the light of day. No, this is not God’s doing. If anything we have placed ourselves in these places. We’ve placed ourselves warehouses of depression. We’ve placed ourselves in warehouses of failure. We have placed ourselves in these warehouses where God did not assign you to be.
Today, I want to remind you of the investment that was placed on your life. I want to remind you that your assignment and purpose has been fixed. So today, I encourage you to come out of that warehouse of depression! Come out of that warehouse of failure! Come out of that warehouse of defeat! Come out of that warehouse of fear! Come out of that place because God did not place you there! He did not reject you! You still have His image! You were approved before you took your first breath. God made you and you were assigned to thryve! So don’t sit back! Don’t get comfortable! Don’t settle! No! God created you be better than that, He created you to grow and be effective. Therefore, move forward knowing that you have the greatest approval you can ever have: His image.
Prayer Focus: That you would walk forward, boldly in the image of God, knowing that you have been approved.
I'm praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks
When a company makes a product, they don’t release it to the world unless it’s ready and tested. And when it’s passed inspection, they place their brand or name on that device and that’s a mark of both approval and ownership. A company like Apple would never release something that they don’t believe is ready to be released.
Understanding this, I turn my attention back to you. You are here. And because you’re here that means you were approved by God as an instrument of His purpose. How do we know you’ve been approved? Because you have His image. Out of all creation, there’s nothing else that He gave His identity to except mankind and that includes you. This makes you special — to know that God’s has trusted you withdraw getting so precious as His image.
Knowing that God has given you His image (His approval), my question is this: what are you going to do with it? We understand you’ve been assigned to Thryve. The word assign means to appoint and appoint means to fix, your assignment has been fixed, your Purpose has been fixed. I know that you may reflect back and see how you’ve mismanaged your assignment – perhaps you’ve been prodigal or wasteful. That may be true about your past, but it’s not true about your identity nor does it affect your assignment. Your identity has been fixed and your assignment has been fixed. And just as the father was waiting for the prodigal son, God has been waiting on you to let you know that you are still His son, you are still his daughter. He has not rejected you. You have His image and He cannot deny himself.
In likely every major company, when they make a product that doesn’t work out, they place it inside of a room or warehouse of concepts they’ve made that don’t work. Those things will never see the light of day, they’ll never be released to the public. While you have made mistakes, understand that God has not put you in a storehouse, He has not rejected you nor has He put you in a place where you will never see the light of day. No, this is not God’s doing. If anything we have placed ourselves in these places. We’ve placed ourselves warehouses of depression. We’ve placed ourselves in warehouses of failure. We have placed ourselves in these warehouses where God did not assign you to be.
Today, I want to remind you of the investment that was placed on your life. I want to remind you that your assignment and purpose has been fixed. So today, I encourage you to come out of that warehouse of depression! Come out of that warehouse of failure! Come out of that warehouse of defeat! Come out of that warehouse of fear! Come out of that place because God did not place you there! He did not reject you! You still have His image! You were approved before you took your first breath. God made you and you were assigned to thryve! So don’t sit back! Don’t get comfortable! Don’t settle! No! God created you be better than that, He created you to grow and be effective. Therefore, move forward knowing that you have the greatest approval you can ever have: His image.
Prayer Focus: That you would walk forward, boldly in the image of God, knowing that you have been approved.
I'm praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks
Did you know that Thryve Church prays together 365 days a year? Join us Monday-Friday at 6:30am & Saturdays at 8am for "Prayer at the Altar" by dialing 339- 207-7471 and then join us Sundays at 11am for Worship Service! Learn More