Your Original Assignment
Prayer 365 // Assigned to Thryve (Day 1)
More from this week:
Today's Scripture:
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”” – Genesis 1:27-28 NIV
Today's Devotional:
This week’s theme is titled “Assigned to Thryve!” I must admit that I have a great deal of excitement about this theme and I’m very excited to share it with you! This is God’s message to us this week, that we were assigned to thryve! While I’m going to offer a brief understanding of what this means, my goal is to help you start your week off strong. I want to spend time encouraging you, giving you strength so that you can move forward in the power of God, knowing that you were assigned to thryve.
This assignment to thryve is rooted out of our original assignment - This is the original word that God spoke over our lives. We find this in Genesis 1:27 where it’s described how God made us in His image. Then He "blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number...”” Or as the King James Version says, "Be fruitful and multiply.” This is the word that God spoke over each of us – the first word He spoke over us was our assignment. He said “Be Fruitful and increase in number (multiply)” – that’s the assignment He placed over your life and mine.
The word fruitful means to bear or produce fruit, it’s another word for effective. What does it mean to be effective? It means to be fruitful, efficient and productive. Therefore when God told us to be fruitful, He was telling us to be effective. Say aloud, “God created me and assigned me to be effective."
When He says “multiply”, this means to increase in number which can also be connected back to being effective or Growth. Essentially God gave us an assignment to be effective and to grow. In everything we do, we should be effective – meaning fruitful, efficient and productive. Again, in everything we do this year, the next and those that follow, we ought to examine it to make sure that it is effective. Meaning, is this thing fruitful, efficient or productive? You see, if we are effective, we should experience growth because growth is the result of effectiveness.
So today, I want you to know that you were assigned to thryve! You were assigned to be effective. You were assigned to grow. What does thryve mean? It means to grow, develop, flourish and prosper, not casually but vigorously! Yes, Vigorously! You were created to grow, develop, flourish and prosper vigorously! That means you should expect to experience significant transformation in your life in a forceful and energetic way.
This is a season where God is letting you know that now because you have embraced grace, you’ve let go of what hindered you and you’re walking in your authentic identity, you are positioned to thryve. Yes, you are positioned for your original assignment: to thryve. So all week long, I want you press forward and walk in the truth that this was the first word that was spoken over your life. Don’t marry the commandment, instead first align with your assignment because the command is there to guide you in your assignment. So don’t get so caught up in trying to keep up with the rules, instead keep up with your assignment and those rules will guide you along with it.
Understand that you were created for this! You were created to be better! You were created to be better! You were created to grow! You were created to be successful! God did not make you to just get by, He did not create you to just barely make it! The season is over where you used to be just scraping by. The season is over where you used to have to check your bank account before every purchase because you didn’t know if there was enough there. The season is over where you used to have to worry if ends would meet to take care of your family. That season is over because you have aligned back to your original assignment! Yes, you were assigned to thryve!
This season is going to be better than all the past ones! You may be thinking “the season is almost over…” I’m not talking about a physical season, but a spiritual one. There is a season that is ahead of you that is going to be better than your former days. Your latter shall be greater than your former. What you went through in your past is not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed to you and through you in this season because you were assigned to thryve.
It’s my expectation to see transformation in your life because you have aligned with your assignment. You’ve aligned with the first word that was spoken over your life – that is to be effective and grow. In other words, He made us and assigned us to thryve.
My prayer is that you would walk in the power, truth and authority of knowing that what ever He has assigned you to, He has prepared you for. Understand that you will walk with a new perspective. You will approach problems and challenges with a new perspective, knowing that you were made to thryve. You were not made to fail, you were not made to fall off, you were made to be effective and to grow.
I’m praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks
This assignment to thryve is rooted out of our original assignment - This is the original word that God spoke over our lives. We find this in Genesis 1:27 where it’s described how God made us in His image. Then He "blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number...”” Or as the King James Version says, "Be fruitful and multiply.” This is the word that God spoke over each of us – the first word He spoke over us was our assignment. He said “Be Fruitful and increase in number (multiply)” – that’s the assignment He placed over your life and mine.
The word fruitful means to bear or produce fruit, it’s another word for effective. What does it mean to be effective? It means to be fruitful, efficient and productive. Therefore when God told us to be fruitful, He was telling us to be effective. Say aloud, “God created me and assigned me to be effective."
When He says “multiply”, this means to increase in number which can also be connected back to being effective or Growth. Essentially God gave us an assignment to be effective and to grow. In everything we do, we should be effective – meaning fruitful, efficient and productive. Again, in everything we do this year, the next and those that follow, we ought to examine it to make sure that it is effective. Meaning, is this thing fruitful, efficient or productive? You see, if we are effective, we should experience growth because growth is the result of effectiveness.
So today, I want you to know that you were assigned to thryve! You were assigned to be effective. You were assigned to grow. What does thryve mean? It means to grow, develop, flourish and prosper, not casually but vigorously! Yes, Vigorously! You were created to grow, develop, flourish and prosper vigorously! That means you should expect to experience significant transformation in your life in a forceful and energetic way.
This is a season where God is letting you know that now because you have embraced grace, you’ve let go of what hindered you and you’re walking in your authentic identity, you are positioned to thryve. Yes, you are positioned for your original assignment: to thryve. So all week long, I want you press forward and walk in the truth that this was the first word that was spoken over your life. Don’t marry the commandment, instead first align with your assignment because the command is there to guide you in your assignment. So don’t get so caught up in trying to keep up with the rules, instead keep up with your assignment and those rules will guide you along with it.
Understand that you were created for this! You were created to be better! You were created to be better! You were created to grow! You were created to be successful! God did not make you to just get by, He did not create you to just barely make it! The season is over where you used to be just scraping by. The season is over where you used to have to check your bank account before every purchase because you didn’t know if there was enough there. The season is over where you used to have to worry if ends would meet to take care of your family. That season is over because you have aligned back to your original assignment! Yes, you were assigned to thryve!
This season is going to be better than all the past ones! You may be thinking “the season is almost over…” I’m not talking about a physical season, but a spiritual one. There is a season that is ahead of you that is going to be better than your former days. Your latter shall be greater than your former. What you went through in your past is not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed to you and through you in this season because you were assigned to thryve.
It’s my expectation to see transformation in your life because you have aligned with your assignment. You’ve aligned with the first word that was spoken over your life – that is to be effective and grow. In other words, He made us and assigned us to thryve.
My prayer is that you would walk in the power, truth and authority of knowing that what ever He has assigned you to, He has prepared you for. Understand that you will walk with a new perspective. You will approach problems and challenges with a new perspective, knowing that you were made to thryve. You were not made to fail, you were not made to fall off, you were made to be effective and to grow.
I’m praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks
Did you know that Thryve Church prays together 365 days a year? Join us Monday-Friday at 6:30am & Saturdays at 8am for "Prayer at the Altar" by dialing 339- 207-7471 and then join us Sundays at 11am for Worship Service! Learn More