Discipline Produces Peace
Prayer 365 // The Power of Discipline (Day 4)
More from this week:
Today's Scripture:
“We have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." - Hebrews 12:9-11 NIV
Today's Devotional:
The author of this letter we call Hebrews says that “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” The word harvest is an agricultural term; Merriam-Webster defines it as a mature crop (such as grain or fruit). Right now we consider fall to be harvest season. Farmers have been harvesting their crops that they’ve labored over and produced in their fields. However one can not harvest what he did not sow. It’s clear that whatever you sow is what you will reap and our text shows us that this is true when it comes to discipline. Discipline is a trainer that produces righteousness and peace. These are wonderful things to possess in life, both are invaluable. But when there’s no discipline, instead of righteousness and peace we are left with seeds of sin and stress that mature into chaos.
Here’s our goal for today: For those of you that have peace, I want to help you maintain it and for those who don’t I want to help you develop it in your life.
A clear sign of a disciplined life is a peaceful life. However, a life filled with chaos is a normally a life that lacks discipline. This is not to say that disciplined people don’t experience chaos, because there will always be chaos created by unavoidable circumstances. But when the chaos that you're experiencing is avoidable, there’s a problem. This means your stress unnecessary and it only exists because of an absence of discipline.
Discipline produces a peace in your life. Without discipline, you will live in constant chaos. In the life that lacks discipline, everything feels like an emergency. For example, when you’re undisciplined financially paying you electricity bill is an emergency because the power company left the final notice on your door. So here comes chaos and you’re calling momma and daddy and aunty and they said no so now you’re at the cash advance getting a high interest loan and then you submit the payment online hoping that they cancel the disconnect order. You’re losing sleep, can’t eat. Chaos is ruling your life! Because there’s no discipline.
If you want peace, become disciplined. Yes, for peace spiritually, mentally, physically and financially— become disciplined. Let’s look at how we can get there: For peace spiritually, you must become disciplined in your prayer life, your study life and your worship life. For peace mentally, you must become disciplined in planning effectively, honor you boundaries in relationships, and knowing your limits. For peace physically you must become disciplined in your exercising and eating habits, you must learn to eat to live and not live to eat. For peace financially, you must become disciplined in your spending, create goals and stick to the budget.
Everything is not an emergency, we just need discipline. Take a survey of life today. If your life is constantly chaotic in any way, you should ask yourself “How disciplined am I?” My prayer for you is that chaos will no longer run your life because you have embraced a life of discipline. Today, unnecessary stress will be evicted from your mind because you have introduced discipline into your life.
I'm praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks
Here’s our goal for today: For those of you that have peace, I want to help you maintain it and for those who don’t I want to help you develop it in your life.
A clear sign of a disciplined life is a peaceful life. However, a life filled with chaos is a normally a life that lacks discipline. This is not to say that disciplined people don’t experience chaos, because there will always be chaos created by unavoidable circumstances. But when the chaos that you're experiencing is avoidable, there’s a problem. This means your stress unnecessary and it only exists because of an absence of discipline.
Discipline produces a peace in your life. Without discipline, you will live in constant chaos. In the life that lacks discipline, everything feels like an emergency. For example, when you’re undisciplined financially paying you electricity bill is an emergency because the power company left the final notice on your door. So here comes chaos and you’re calling momma and daddy and aunty and they said no so now you’re at the cash advance getting a high interest loan and then you submit the payment online hoping that they cancel the disconnect order. You’re losing sleep, can’t eat. Chaos is ruling your life! Because there’s no discipline.
If you want peace, become disciplined. Yes, for peace spiritually, mentally, physically and financially— become disciplined. Let’s look at how we can get there: For peace spiritually, you must become disciplined in your prayer life, your study life and your worship life. For peace mentally, you must become disciplined in planning effectively, honor you boundaries in relationships, and knowing your limits. For peace physically you must become disciplined in your exercising and eating habits, you must learn to eat to live and not live to eat. For peace financially, you must become disciplined in your spending, create goals and stick to the budget.
Everything is not an emergency, we just need discipline. Take a survey of life today. If your life is constantly chaotic in any way, you should ask yourself “How disciplined am I?” My prayer for you is that chaos will no longer run your life because you have embraced a life of discipline. Today, unnecessary stress will be evicted from your mind because you have introduced discipline into your life.
I'm praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks
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