You can rest in Jesus
What if I told you that you’ve been extended the greatest invitation possible? That God, Himself, has invited you to experience life with Him. Wouldn’t that be special? Wouldn’t that overwhelm your heart? To know that He who created all things desires to have a close and personal relationship with you? Wouldn’t that blow your mind? Well, it’s true. God wants to be close to you. And He’s inviting you to be in a relationship with Him. Over the next two weeks, we will review ten personal invitations God has extended to you. Yes, you read that right, TEN invites (callings) that have come through Christ. Here’s the thing though: He's waiting for your response. His invitations are not open forever and must be acted upon quickly. Join me over the next two weeks as we look through each of your invites so you can decide.
Welcome to the Prayer 365 Podcast! Our mission is to transform lives through the lifestyle of prayer. Join us LIVE Mon-Fri at 6:30 am, Sat at 7:30 am, and Sunday at Thryve Church at 10:30 am!
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