The Pearl of Heaven // Receive the Promise (Day 4)
Yesterday we talked about the non-negotiable requirements to truly experience the wealth of a worshipper. The three are as follows: 1. An unwavering commitment through worship, 2. An honest, authentic and genuine condition, and lastly 3. Submission to the Supernatural. The reason for this requirement is because the Gift of the Holy Spirit is precious, so precious that I will call it the Pearl of Heaven. Jesus said don’t throw your pearls to pigs, essentially He means, don’t give what’s precious to those who do not appreciate its value. The Holy Spirit has unexplainable value to the life of the believer and without a doubt we need His presence within us. However, the Holy Spirit is not for sale, nor can He dwell in an unclean place or a life that’s not prepared to receive Him. God did the work of salvation and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to bring effectiveness to the church, it’s now our job to do our part and prepare to receive the Promise.
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