The Reward of the Finisher


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33 NIV

Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. – Revelation 2:10 NIV


While still walking this earth, Jesus gave us very important news that every believer should take to heart. He said that trouble will come, it’s unavoidable. However, we should take heart as He has overcome the world. In other words, Jesus lets us know that when it comes to the war against the darkness of this world, He’s already victorious! He’s already won! Therefore, our fight is not one where we should be fearful, but one where we should walk in confident hope, knowing that the outcome has already been determined. We are Destined for Victory! Therefore, our fight is not any fight we’ve seen on this earth, we’re not fighting to win, instead this is a fight of endurance. And if we endure ­– if we finish the work, there’s a reward waiting for us on the other side. This week we talk about the reward of the Finisher. There are many listed in Revelation, chapters 2 & 3, however we will only cover a portion during our week of devotion and prayer. Join us as we seek after The Reward of the Finisher!

This Week's Devotionals:

Day 1: Hidden Manna

Yesterday, in Sunday’s message, we looked closely at the Church in Smyrna. Today, we are looking at what Jesus said to the Church in Pergamum. He described how He was fully aware of their environment – how they were living in such an evil place as Satan has made it the place of his throne. If you’re anything like me, you could make a case that Pergamum sounds a lot like where you live today as we see such a heavy influence of Satan and his angels in so many ways of the world. Nevertheless, Jesus celebrated that they kept their faith through it all. However, He also indicated a clear issue that He has with those in Pergamum and that’s holding onto false teachings and He calls for them to repent. But as He wraps it up, he describes the reward to the one who is victorious, the one who finishes. This includes hidden manna and a new name written on a white stone.

Manna is the bread from Heaven that God supplied the Israelites with during their 40 years in the wilderness. Bread is considered sustenance, an item used to sustain our health. Jesus called Himself the Bread of Life (John 6:35) and “whoever comes to me will never go hungry…” Therefore, the reward for a victorious finish is eternal sustenance.

Jesus also indicated that He’d change the name of those who endure through to victory. A name that no one else need knows, one so intimate He encapsulated it with privacy and one so sure, He put it on a stone. We saw something similar to when Jacob received a name change because he struggled with God and with humans and overcame (Genesis 32:28). Jacob wouldn’t give up until God blessed him. The same is available to you if you don’t give up! Will you be like Jacob and stay in the fight until it’s over so that you can receive your reward? The Finisher has a reward just for you, finish the work and walk in victory!

Day 2: Authority

Authority is in your destiny! It’s a reward from the King of kings to the victorious. But this reward requires more than just enduring, it requires total submission to the will of God. Authority is power but it’s also influence. Everywhere we look we see people competing for influence ­– fighting for power. This has been the case since the fall of man, it’s the reason why Cain killed Abel and why war after war has started and division exists even to this day, it’s all about influence. Because of fear of losing influence, the world fights.

Today, it’s not just physical fighting but it’s a fight with words, a war of ideas; a war taking place on social media, news networks, music, books, speeches, rallies and the like. It’s all propaganda that has filled the earth with darkness and it’s God’s desire to displace the darkness by shining the Light of Heaven. We were planted in the earth to expand the Kingdom of Heaven, to invade the earth with the culture of heaven. The difference between the world and heaven is that God is not insecure about His power – He’s God. However, God does not impose His influence on the world through violence nor through attempts to destroy ideas, instead He displaces the ideas of darkness with an even greater one, the Gospel.

In order to receive the reward of God-given authority, we must be fully committed and submitted to the perfect will of God. Myles Munroe says that power amplifies what already exists in a person. What’s inside of you? Is it humility? Or selfish ambition? Authority is in your destiny! The requirements are endurance and submission. The King wants to reward you, He wants to endow you with this responsibility, but can He trust you?

Day 3: The Bride & The Book

The next reward of the Finisher is to be dressed in white and a permanent place in the book of life. In order to understand the significance of being dressed in white, we must understand that the word describes Jesus as the bridegroom and the church as the bride of Christ. This means that the nature of our relationship is not simply that of the redeemer and the redeemed, but it's in fact much deeper, we are in a courtship with Christ and after the second coming of Christ there will be a glorious wedding where we, His bride, will be dressed in white and presented before the Father. In addition to this wonderful honor, our names are forever written in the book of life. This is the book of the victorious, those who believed and endured the troubles of this world. Can you see it now? Why it's so important that you don't give up? The reward is so great! You can finish the work, knowing that the victory is already won and the Finisher will indeed finish you (Philippians 1:6).

Day 4: Strength, Stability & Signature

The reward that we're highlighting today is for the Church of Philadelphia. Jesus acknowledged they were small in strength yet He honored their good works and patient endurance. Then He expressed that the reward for the victorious will be strength, stability and signature.
In Revelation 3:12, Jesus says that He will make the victorious one like a pillar in the temple of God. Pillars are strong posts that support the weight of the building. In other words, by using this comparison, Jesus implying the perfected strength of the believer. This reminds me of the words Jesus spoke to Paul in 2 Cor 12:9 (NKJV) “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” He's letting us know that as long as we don't give up, He'll perfect our strength.

Jesus continues and speaks to the stability of the victorious one, saying "Never again will they leave it." I can relate to this in the sense of all of the times that I was physically present but had left the church in my mind. I wanted to quit but I stuck with it and kept a 'whatever it takes' mentality. Nevertheless, I endured and continued to show up every day and the reward for this patient endurance is unshakeable stability. This is why apostle Paul said, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (1 Cor 15:58 KJV).

Lastly Jesus revealed that the victorious one would receive three signatures: the name of the Father, His city and the Son. When I see this, I think of companies that sell an array of baseline products but then they have their signature line. This is the elite class of products that not only receive their logo but also their signature. When I think of us as people, we've all been created in the image of God but only the victorious will receive His signature. This honor is only set aside for those who refuse to give up even with the little that they have.

Friend, I encourage you to stick with it! There's a great reward for you on the other side of your endurance. Use what you've got, and God will reward you with what He has: strength, stability and signature.

Day 5: The Right to the Throne

“To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.” - Revelation 3:21 NIV

The final reward for the victorious Jesus shares to the seven churches is this: The right to the throne. Jesus invites us to the place of honor, the place of rulership with Him as a reward for our posture of repentance and total surrender to Him. I encourage you just as I have all week… don’t give up! There is so much waiting for you on the other side of this temporary season, both here on earth and in eternity and you don’t want to miss what Jesus has in store for you.
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Watch This Week's Message!

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