2020 Should Be Canceled?

Whatever It Takes (Day 2) #Prayer365

This week’s theme for our devotional is Whatever It Takes! In Luke 9:23, Jesus revealed three requirements to knowing Him. The first was self denial, the second is to “Take up his cross daily.” This means “expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come.” For many of us, the act of taking up one’s cross daily holds more weight today than it did before. Some never thought that we’d be enduring a pandemic, racial injustice, and a political war all at the same time in 2020. All while being a Christian, a father, a mother, a business owner, an employee, or a student. None of us were prepared for this, but God wasn’t surprised by this. In His sovereignty, He has a unique ability to use the most undesirable circumstances to reveal another dimension of His grace, to show us the width and depth of His love, and the richness of His mercy.

When we agree to “endure whatever may come,” we relinquish control and confidently place it in the hands of the Father. Knowing that all things work together for our good and His purpose. Before you lay down your cross and cancel 2020, look at it through the lens of purpose. Know that it’s in our greatest challenges that we discover the quality of our own character and the perfection of His. James tells us that trials or the testing of our faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing. The cross is not meant to destroy you but it’s meant to complete you.

So don’t quit, don’t cancel 2020, don’t lay down your cross! Instead, do whatever it takes to know Him! This challenge is not meant to defeat you but to develop you and show you His character so that you might know Him.

I'm praying for you and with you,
Pastor Enrique Brooks

P.S. Did you miss this morning's prayer? Catch the replay here!
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Watch this week's message: