Renew Your Mind
As we pursue the best version of ourselves, Paul expresses that we must undergo a transformation process through the renewal of the minds. This is imperative because whoever controls the mind, controls the man. Proverbs 4:23 says it this way in the New Century Version "Be careful how you think because your thoughts run your life." So this week we are going to begin the process of mind renewal so that we can be effective in expanding the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.
Focus Scripture
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Romans 12:1-2 (NIV)
This Week's Devotionals:
Day 1 - You Are On Assignment
I want to begin this week by reminding you that you are on assignment. You are not here by mistake, you were placed here with a purpose. God desires to expand the Kingdom of Heaven through your everyday living. Paul warns against conforming to the pattern (culture) of this world. While we are in the world, we are not of the world – we are of God. Therefore be careful to not compromise your calling for the culture of this world. Don’t compromise the greatness God has invested in you for the distractions of this world. The first step to renewing your mind is remembering who you are.
Day 2: You're Not From Here!
When Paul says that the church should "not conform to the pattern (culture) of this world", he was implying that the world is our place of origination. Think about it, in order to conform to a culture, that means you were originally from another. Friend, you are not from here! You were not produced of this world, but produced of Heaven from God's Spirit before the foundation of the earth (see Eph 1:4). Therefore the reason you are here on assignment is because you're not from here! Instead, you were sent here!
Day 3: Repent
Paul's urging to not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of one's mind is a reminder of Jesus's first words of His public ministry, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." In other words, our access to the kingdom of heaven is just on the other side of our repentance (the changing of our thinking). Change your thoughts and you can change your life. Visit our show page at
Day 4: Total Renovation
Day 5: Steward Your Thoughts
I want you to know that you are a steward of your thoughts. The word stewardship denotes responsibility and the absence of ownership. You may ask, Pastor, what are you saying? I can’t manage my own thoughts? My answer to you is that I’m saying the exact opposite. As a steward of your thoughts you have a responsibility to manage your thoughts, but it’s important to know that you, along with everything else in this world, belongs to the Father. So that includes your thoughts. This truth was outlined by David in the first verse of the 24th Psalm where he declared “The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” So again I lift up this truth: you are a steward of your thoughts.
As you are moving forward with a renewed mind, you are responsible for how you think. God will help you, but He will not control you. This means we must make decisions on a daily basis that have the power to positively or negatively impact our lives. Another way to put it is that God has an expectation that we actively apply wisdom in every area of our lives.
As you are moving forward with a renewed mind, you are responsible for how you think. God will help you, but He will not control you. This means we must make decisions on a daily basis that have the power to positively or negatively impact our lives. Another way to put it is that God has an expectation that we actively apply wisdom in every area of our lives.
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