I'm All In!


In Romans 12:1, Paul urged the believers to offer their whole lives as a living sacrifice to God. In other words, he was encouraging them to be ALL IN! After considering all that God has done for us, this is our only worthy response. Today, I encourage you to embrace the challenge of being "ALL IN" in your relationship with God, offering Him your whole life for His purpose. Join us this week in Prayer 365 to learn what this truly means.

Focus Scripture

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1 (NIV)

This Week's Devotionals:

Day 1 - It's Messy but It's Me!

Before Jesus, the Israelites would have to offer animal sacrifices for their sins. This was obviously a messy process, one that would be considered gruesome for most today. Nevertheless it was necessary for the forgiveness of sins and to demonstrate devotion and thanksgiving to God. As we are encouraged to offer our lives completely to God, it's likely you may be reminded of areas of your past or present life that you feel make you undesirable. I want to encourage you that God was not surprised by nothing that's happened in your life. He wants to clean you and use you despite your history. Therefore, the next time your past attempts to discourage you, declare this: "It's messy but it's me and God wants ALL of me!"

Day 2 - A Whole Sacrifice

When considering the idea of offering our lives as a sacrifice, it's easy to offer what's convenient, comfortable and partial. This couldn't be further from the truth. I believe this is described best by the Message translation as it says: "So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering" (Romans 12:1 MSG). This means that God desires to use every aspect of who we are for His glory. He has no interest in only using what's convenient or comfortable for us, but all of us – not to burden us but to empower us to live our best lives. Today, I encourage you to offer God your whole life so you can live your best life. 

Day 3 - A Living Sacrifice

A key requirement of a sacrifice offered to God is that it must be alive. This was the case with animals that were brought to the priests but even more important for our own selves as we offer our lives as living sacrifices unto God. The word "living" in the Greek means to be full of vigor, efficient and effective. That means that God desires that we would not simply be in existence, but that we would be fully alive as we live for Him. I can say it confidently that God desires a thryving sacrifice from each of us. Sacrifice signifies death, however, unlike the animal that loses its life all together, when we offer our lives to God, this is the moment we really start living (see Matthew 17:33 MSG). Therefore the only death that takes place when we sacrifice ourselves, is the death to our old selves and but we celebrate the birthing of our new selves (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). Come alive today and be a thryving sacrifice for God!

Day 4 - A Holy Sacrifice

Another layer to our commitment to God is described by the word "holy." To be holy is to be consecrated or set apart for the purpose of God. Paul urges the church to be holy, that we would be completely committed to God in our everyday living. This means that we must not be divided in our commitment, offering a portion of ourselves to God and reserving a portion for the world. Instead, we must be singular in the dedication of our lives unto God. Therefore, holiness is not how we describe the church that praises God enthusiastically, instead holiness is the state God desires the whole church would be, undivided in its commitment towards the purposes of the King and his Kingdom.

Day 5 - A Pleasing Sacrifice

The last requirement of being a living sacrifice is that our lives would be pleasing to God. What does it mean to live in a way that's pleasing to Him? This can be answered by asking a simple question in our everyday decisions: "Would God be pleased with this?" It's not so much of a question of will I lose my salvation, because that is determined by our faith (Romans 10:9). But the real question is, would the Father be pleased with what I've done with the life He has given me? Because it's living a life pleasing in His sight that positions us to live our best lives.
Did you know that Thryve Church prays together 365 days a year? Join us Monday-Friday at 6:30am & Saturdays at 8am for "Prayer at the Altar" by dialing 339- 207-7471 and then join us Sundays at 11am for Worship Service! Learn More
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